Karate Kid Master Dojo Podcast
Learning martial arts through doing work chores and directly applying them to your martial art training. This provides a way to train outside the martial art studio, increase productivity, creating a new life around you and making a better world. "In order to fully learn martial arts, you have to unlearn your misconceptions about what constitutes training."
Karate Kid Master Dojo Podcast
In this episode, we look at the repetition in the work tasks that Mr. Miyagi did with Daniel in the Karate Kid Movie and how this develops muscle memory. Focusing on the repetitive work tasks we can manage our time to get things done effectively and efficiently. Our martial art training is very similar using pattern sets, speed drill sets, basic sets, and strengthening sequences, we can get better at our martial art skills. These skills are easily translated into better movements, increased memory, better health, and quicker reactions in self defense. This is a great topic for Groundhog Day!