Karate Kid Master Dojo Podcast
Learning martial arts through doing work chores and directly applying them to your martial art training. This provides a way to train outside the martial art studio, increase productivity, creating a new life around you and making a better world. "In order to fully learn martial arts, you have to unlearn your misconceptions about what constitutes training."
Karate Kid Master Dojo Podcast
Miyagi Do
In this episode, we examine the Martial Art called "Miyagi Do" this is presented in the Karate Kid Movies and further in the Cobra Kai Show. First, we talk about how a work task can be used as a teachable moment and related to martial art movements. Then we outline the Martial Art Style of "Miyagi Do" with the techniques, katas, and fighting maneuvers used in the movies and philosophy behind it. Lastly, we discuss the mental training that goes along with that martial art to make you a respectful member of the community and harmony with nature around you.