Karate Kid Master Dojo Podcast
Learning martial arts through doing work chores and directly applying them to your martial art training. This provides a way to train outside the martial art studio, increase productivity, creating a new life around you and making a better world. "In order to fully learn martial arts, you have to unlearn your misconceptions about what constitutes training."
Karate Kid Master Dojo Podcast
Stretching Challenge
In this episode, we learn the importance of stretching and incorporating it into our everyday life by doing the "Stretching Challenge" on a daily basis. By making it into a challenge each day and counting, you can better track your progress in a similar way that a weightlifter tracks their repetitions. Doing stand up versions of our your stretches helps to be able to do them at work, at home, or while walking around at a park. Remember too that a "relaxed mind is a relaxed body."